US 2020 Democratic Primaries: I Still Feel The Bern

It’s four years on – but in some ways nothing much has changed. Bernie Sanders is running to become the Democratic candidate in the US 2020 Presidential election and just like I did in 2016, I feel the Bern and think that he’s the best person for the job. Here’s why… Continue reading “US 2020 Democratic Primaries: I Still Feel The Bern”

Beginning Of The End For Erdoğan? Why Turkey’s Local Elections Matter

The strong-man’s grip on power seems to be breaking at last. Turkey recently held local elections, and the party of its dictator-like leader was ousted from power in key areas, suggesting that said party’s hold over the country might finally be beginning to wane. This has global ramifications, so today I thought I’d look at this recent development and explain why Turkey’s local elections matter.

Turkey, a history

Turkey has been inhabited for thousands of years. The Anatolian plateau has hosted everyone from the Hittites and Assyrians, to the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. It’s historic capital (variously called Byzantium, Constantinople and Istanbul), is a particularly valued prize as it sits at the crossing between Europe and Asia, making it a key spot for trade throughout the centuries. Continue reading “Beginning Of The End For Erdoğan? Why Turkey’s Local Elections Matter”

Guilty Pleasures: I’m Outing Myself As A Soap Fan

I feel like I’m about to take a very bold step. It’s OK Joe, take a deep breath, you’ll be fine. Here it goes. I’d like to share with you all today that I’m a fan of soap operas…

I feel like I’m about to take a very bold step. It’s OK Joe, take a deep breath, you’ll be fine. Here it goes. I’d like to share with you all today that I’m a fan of soap operas. And when I say I’m a fan, I mean that I’m a massive fan. There may be a lot of social stigma attached to watching soaps, but they’ve served an important purpose in my life, so today I’m here to defend their honour. Continue reading “Guilty Pleasures: I’m Outing Myself As A Soap Fan”

My Enduring Love Affair With Evita

I have a confession to make. I’m a massive, and I mean massive, musical theatre fan. Throughout my life I’ve become passionately besotted with a range of productions, from Rent to Wicked, but there’s one musical that I adore more than any other. This is Evita, the first musical I ever watched and indeed, the production which kick-started my lifelong relationship with this genre of entertainment. Sit back, relax and keep reading, as I narrated the story of my enduring love affair with EvitaContinue reading “My Enduring Love Affair With Evita”

Seven Channels You Should Subscribe To On YouTube

YouTube is to the 21st Century what television was the 20th. The rise of this innovative content sharing platform has allowed us to access more information than ever before, expanding our horizons and enriching society in the process. But with so many videos out there, it’s hard to know how to truly maximise this cutting-edge digital medium’s vast potential. That’s where I come in.

I’ve always has a vast thirst for knowledge, and with the rise of YouTube I’ve been able to indulge my insatiable curiosity to a degree I’ve never been able to before. I’m basically the expert when it comes to what to watch on YouTube, as I’m on there way too often! So utilising my considerable knowledge, here are my suggestions for seven channels you should subscribe to on YouTube… Continue reading “Seven Channels You Should Subscribe To On YouTube”

Making My Case For Immigration

There’s one word that’s constantly in the news these days – immigration. It recently occurred to me, while watching coverage of the current ‘DACA’ debate in the US, that as a society, we have a lack of understanding of why immigration is so essential, and I believe that’s to our detriment. Drawing on my own personal experiences as a small-town boy in the big smoke, here’s my case for immigration. Continue reading “Making My Case For Immigration”

The Harvey Weinstein Wake Up Call: We’ve Got To Take Our Heads Out Of The Sand

Outlets around the world are reporting that legendary Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein has allegedly sexually assaulted scores of women over his extensive career. The Harvey Weinstein scandal should serve as a larger wake up call for our society. We have to stop doing something we’re all guilty of; sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that certain societal issues don’t exist. Continue reading “The Harvey Weinstein Wake Up Call: We’ve Got To Take Our Heads Out Of The Sand”

Doing My Bit: My Time Volunteering With Immigrants and Refugees

I firmly believe that we should do everything in our power to make this world a better place – not just for ourselves, but for everyone. As a busy professional, I haven’t had much time to practise what I preach. But as I’ve had some spare time on my hands lately, I’ve used it to live up to my own ideals by volunteering to help refugees and immigrants settle into the UK, so they can realise a brighter future. Continue reading “Doing My Bit: My Time Volunteering With Immigrants and Refugees”

Just What Is Gender Really Anyway?

Gender is perhaps one of the most divisive concepts of modern times. This became more apparent to me than ever recently, when I attended a debate at the West Yorkshire Humanist Society, which both clarified my own feelings on the issue, and challenged them. So just what is gender really anyway? Continue reading “Just What Is Gender Really Anyway?”

Trump And The Economy – The Truth Behind The Misconceptions

I recently saw a poll which suggested that while the majority of the American electorate disapprove of Donald Trump’s tenure in the Oval Office so far, they have a more positive outlook when it comes to his handling of the economy. It immediately struck me that the snake oil salesman has hoodwinked people again, as Donald Trump will certainly not be blessing for the US economy when everything is said and done.  Continue reading “Trump And The Economy – The Truth Behind The Misconceptions”