The Harvey Weinstein Wake Up Call: We’ve Got To Take Our Heads Out Of The Sand

Outlets around the world are reporting that legendary Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein has allegedly sexually assaulted scores of women over his extensive career. The Harvey Weinstein scandal should serve as a larger wake up call for our society. We have to stop doing something we’re all guilty of; sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that certain societal issues don’t exist. Continue reading “The Harvey Weinstein Wake Up Call: We’ve Got To Take Our Heads Out Of The Sand”

Just What Is Gender Really Anyway?

Gender is perhaps one of the most divisive concepts of modern times. This became more apparent to me than ever recently, when I attended a debate at the West Yorkshire Humanist Society, which both clarified my own feelings on the issue, and challenged them. So just what is gender really anyway? Continue reading “Just What Is Gender Really Anyway?”

Why Misogyny Should Be Classed As A Hate Crime

Over the past few decades, British society has made major strides when it comes to gender equality. However, UK women still face prejudice every day, in every sphere of life. I emphatically believe that we need to implement stronger legislation to ensure that British women can live their lives free from prejudice. In this article, I outline why misogyny should be classed as a hate crime. Continue reading “Why Misogyny Should Be Classed As A Hate Crime”